As well as other building companies, we prosecutes subjects of complex building of cottages, baths, buildings of houses: from reception of the building licence and working out of the architectural project of the house and design of premises, before building of a cottage or the country house on a turn-key basis, internal furnish and repair. Sydney home builder — specialises on building of apartments and cottages.
«Heddon Builders» carry out following services:
* Projects of houses, projects of country country houses, projects of cottages the Bath building;
* Building of cottages, building of country houses in Sydney;
* Building of wooden houses, building of houses in Australia;
* Building & design of saunas;
* Reception of the building licence of a country house, the country house, a cottage;
* Design of premises, design of apartments;
* Designing and fireplace installation, design of fireplaces;
* Repair of apartments and offices, repair of premises.
The architectural division of the building company and the design department, having huge experience in designing of country houses and cottages, designing of cottage settlements, public buildings and constructions, and also a wide experience in re-planning of apartments, will offer a wide spectrum of services in design and designing of premises. All projects of houses are approved by experts and resolved to building in Sydney.
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