Leaf House is a building in which people can simultaneously be and inside, and in a garden. The house, the cottage which has revived at coast in Sydney, tenants name Pavilion for Merge to the Nature. Look a video in detail showing all process of building of this unusual object.
Integration into a landscape
The building is integrated into surrounding landscape and reflects qualities; the top block mixes up among trees, the base merges with plain.
Leaf House in Sydney
The copper-plated roof reminds the fallen leaves; in the house the dynamical structure reminding a bush of grapes grows.
In the given project authors used design and technologies for achievement is high-adaptability to manufacture also complexities at the limited expenses.
The Italian architects from bureau Progettospore have offered the project of the threefold bridge for pedestrians and easy transport which is developed specially for medieval Italian village. The matter is that this small settlement is on a mountain slope, at height of 480 metres.
The bridge in eternity
The concept has been created for competition on the project of the new bridge which should connect village to an external world. Project Progettospore consists of three bridges which are hanging together.
“Creating this bridge, we have drawn lines which as though are groundless”, — authors, — “that the person moving on this bridge speak, felt free, as a bird, moving in air space”.
The medieval modern bridge
We have broken a stereotype that the bridge should have one input and one exit — the given bridge offers their set. The third bridge is accessible to pedestrians with the complicated traficability, on invalid carriages. Trajectories of the bridge and mutual crossing has allowed to use a minimum quantity of support. These three paths in the sky actually represent the uniform interconnected design.
Hotel "Limes" designed by the Argentina designer Alexander Lotersztain, has opened in the end of June in Brisbane (Australia).
Cinema on a roof
On a hotel roof the bar and a cinema hall is located. The hotel is located in the centre of Brisbane which is in the Valley of Strength of mind, and known for the fashionable cafes, bars and restaurants. The open bar with a cinema hall, located on a roof, is surrounded by a bright night life of a city that is one of ingenious ideas of the architect.
Scooping inspiration on infinite travel to planes and hotel rooms, Alexander Lotersztain has concentrated on primary requirements of the independent traveler, sweeping aside standards of five-stars hotels, and it is reached through unique decisions.
The attention to details is reflected in a choice of design decisions. In rooms kitchen and toilet accessories Сorian (Dupont), door handles with the aluminium dusting, "floating" night little tables, firm Luna Textiles curtains, and on walls tile Bisazza. In each room of a wall have the individual colouring created at use of mineral materials.
Exclusive hotel in Brisbane
This project was for the architect something like experience, however he could create warm, unique atmosphere. The building is deprived excessive decorative elements, it idle time, modern and is perfectly entered in surrounding city landscape.
What for the house on the sea if from the house it is not visible the sea is necessary. It seems, architect Jorge Hrdina and thought, building this house almost without walls...
Glass instead of walls
In this house of a window, certainly, dominate. All structure gives ease and beauty of the general ensemble of lines and planes. Ease is supported with absence of thick columns, walls etc. which, as a rule, are necessary for maintenance of a roof of structure.
On the top floor a kitchen room and premises with the sliding doors conducting to a small terrace (platform) with several chairs and a barbecue. Before a kitchen room, a balcony and a bedroom 19 metre pool with a glass handrail has been made.
The ground floor also is made so that to keep remarkable visibility. Rooms for children and some premises Here settle down.
Small house on an ocean coast
Besides, in the house there are systems for gathering, storages and clearings of rain water, and the tank for rain water has volume of 25,000 litres. Premises are designed so that ventilation was carried out naturally and only when there comes exclusively hot time air central air joins.
Huge windows, in turn, prolong time of natural illumination of premises, and there is no necessity to include illumination up to the sunset. On a house roof some accumulators and solar batteries for heating of water from a solar energy are located.
The company «Heddon Builders Pty Ltd» is known in the building market since 2006 as the highly professional and reliable building company, we also develop projects of houses and projects of cottages in Sydney.
As well as other building companies, we prosecutes subjects of complex building of cottages, baths, buildings of houses: from reception of the building licence and working out of the architectural project of the house and design of premises, before building of a cottage or the country house on a turn-key basis, internal furnish and repair. Sydney home builder — specialises on building of apartments and cottages.
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The architectural division of the building company and the design department, having huge experience in designing of country houses and cottages, designing of cottage settlements, public buildings and constructions, and also a wide experience in re-planning of apartments, will offer a wide spectrum of services in design and designing of premises. All projects of houses are approved by experts and resolved to building in Sydney.
Besides, company «Heddon Builders» specialises on design of interiors, Bathroom renovation Mosman, re-planning of cottages, and many other things repair work.
Wishes of the customer of the given interior were accurate and simple. The apartment should be similar to apartment of the architect — spacious, filled with light and white.
Fine lay-out of apartment
The apartment is on the top floor of the residential building located in the east of the city of Graz. The house is very successfully located, subcentral, comfortable — with access to balconies and private court yard, with a fine lay-out of apartments.
Having dismantled the majority of walls, architects have transformed standard four-room apartment into a spacious penthouse. There, where division of zones was necessary, glass walls are used.
Architectural minimalism
In apartment there is all necessary; a toilet for visitors, a boiler and the washing machine — all it behind mirror partitions. Architects used the limited number of materials; glass, white furniture, textiles and special gravel for a floor covering.
In it Treehouse the studio and a place for a solitude has settled down. Studio Rockefeller Partners has received the special order from the client, to think up something unprecedented. Working together, architects and the client could finish the project directly on the move.
Small house on a tree
Certainly, actually it not the house on a tree, and modern interpretation. Designers concern a real tree, nearby, with all care and respect.
In a small house the glass aperture in a floor establishes visual connection with a real tree. For furnish of all surfaces of a small house the tree, various breeds and shades is used.
Full comfort
The small house is absolutely self-sufficient; here there is a toilet, a fireplace, a refrigerator, a sofa and TV. Small walk on steps — and even it's possible to take a shower!
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The new building consists of six floors — the new exhibition space, the new educational centre, studios for storage of artefacts and a terrace on a roof where it is located by cafe.
Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology by Rick Mather Architects
The project combines two-level and one-storeyed exposition spaces which are connected by rulers of paths and two central ladders. Light a well are located along the edges of a building, allowing to use possibility of natural illumination.
Ashmolean Museum it is constructed in 1683 year and is the oldest museum in Britain. The project of expansion of a museum has been developed in 1999 year.
The new building is attached to the central case of a museum, work of architect Charles Robert Cockerell of 1895, initially intended for placing there university, but later, in 1894 year, given to a museum.
Enormous exhibition space
Total area of the new project — 10,000 sq. m. from which 4,000 sq. m. are an exhibition space. In the first week end, after complex opening, the museum was visited by 22,000 visitors.
The Darwin Centre Phase II, additional case Natural History Museum in London, project C. F. Møller Architects became the main winner 2009 Concrete Society Awards.
Outstanding technologies
The building form-cocoon has been poured out on a site — this criterion became solving for a jury estimation. To reach such result, outstanding technologies and efforts were required. The concrete cockleshell impresses with the weight and the sizes.
In the estimate three key problems have been specified in building; the building should contain 20 million plants and insects, a working zone for scientists, and also spatial possibility for interaction of scientists and public. Visitors can make own round on a museum on a cocoon circle.
Building under name Manny creative from within; in new business center architectural studios and the creative companies will work. It is not surprising, that not less creative it's and outside; the facade represents a mash from the steel details placed on glass. Such format allows to disappear from extraneous eyes, and also creates the light effects imposed naturally on registration of an interior. The project of French architectural bureau Tétrarc.
Art-business project
The building is in the centre of art area of a city, undoubtedly, adding the note in the general plot.
On-opinion authors, such image as well as possible displays atmosphere of the modern society, which distinctive lines (at least, in the Western Europe), are creativity, a freedom in choosing and ecological responsibility.
Show-room for Design
On the ground floor in a building it will be located by the show-room, devoted to design. Will hold Here exhibitions, conferences and other events.
Tom’s Bar, fine addition to Augustine Hotel in Prague has received the award “European Hotel Design Award” in a category “Best Café, Bar, Nightclub or Lounge”. Work has been noted as a successful example of introduction of modern vision in historical atmosphere of a building.
Luxury Tom's Bar
The premise was used earlier as a beer hall and a dining room. On a ceiling fine frescos, and also magnificent metal chandeliers have remained. All it has been restored by masters, with use of traditional technologies, paints and a colour palette.
European Hotel Design Award — Best Café, Bar, Nightclub or Lounge
Bar rack from magnificent marble and glass, the large demonstration panel with the light illumination, the restored ancient doors, an oak flooring of a floor with drawing of an epoch of Baroque, a silent additional portico where visitors can take pleasure in rest and silence, reading the favourite book under sounds of live music.
The new magnificent yacht from Norman Foster, Panthalassa has gone to the first travel from Italian port Viaredzhio. The yacht has added the list of vehicles of a class lux which the hand of the master has touched.
Ocean Emerald for Playboy
The first luxury yacht from Norman Foster, Ocean Emerald, has been created for the owner of brand Playboy. Panthalassa it was created for more sedate owner.
Sea part of design has executed Ron Holland, over the case and structure Lord Foster has worked.
The yacht consists of three floors and a main deck. The main salon, a guest room and premises for a command are located below. On a deck various platforms for rest, and also food intake are organized. Certainly, the dining room is and below, more comfortable and formal.
At building natural materials were used: a teak, a skin, a granite, silk, gold and black marble.